We've created this page to give you some input as to HOW TO USE IT and HOW TO GET THE MOST ENJOYMENT OUT OF IT.

If you are new to Message Boards, this page will be helpful in getting you up to speed.

Things to know:
1- If you JUST want to READ what others are saying, you do NOT have to register.
  If you simply want to read message board entries, simply visit the Guestbook by clicking on the link to the forum at and then click on "GUESTBOOK" and read away.
2- If you want to post a question or comment, you MUST REGISTER.
Note: Registering is FREE! ...and your information is PRIVATE.
  Registering is simple and only takes a moment.  Click on the "Register" link at the top right of the page.

Note: If you are viewing any message and want to respond to it, you will be prompted to "login" and if you have not yet registered, you will be prompted to do so.
3- Message boards like this one provide a great way to post a question or comment that you want everyone to see!
  Presidents, officers, fellow shipmates and visitors to the website can post messages and the great thing is that you will be able see other's replies!

This message board format also prohibits some unscrupulous companies from posting unauthorized messages such as spam messages, etc.
4- So LOGIN and get going! <Click Here to Go to the Message Board>



© Copyright 2004 - Howard R. Doble, 50-52 (Image credits are shown)